Conheça todos os comandos do console CS2

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Todos os comandos do console CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2

Os comandos mais utilizados no CS2

Abaixo você encontrará uma descrição e o comando. Entretanto, antes disso, você precisará saber a localização dos arquivos onde você encontrará cada um dos comandos para edição ou até mesmo para fazer backup:

  • Comandos para configurações de vídeo: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxx\730\local\cfg\cs2_video.txt
  • Comandos para configurações de jogo: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\xxx\730\local\cfg\config.cfg

Vale lembrar que o xxx no caminho dos arquivos de configuração deve ser substituído pelo número da sua steam. Basta navegar até a pasta userdata que você encontrará o número da sua conta!

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Comandos para as Configurações de vídeo (Básico) no CS2

Comandos para Configurações básicas de vídeo no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Cenário de fundo do menu principalui_mainmenu_bkgnd_movie_1016BB11 “de_overpass”
Brilhor_fullscreen_gamma “1”
Proporção da telasetting.aspectratiomode “1”
Resoluçãosetting.defaultres “1920” and setting.defaultresheight “1080”
Modo de exibiçãosetting.fullscreen “1”, setting.coop_fullscreen “0” setting.nowindowborder “0” and setting.fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss “1”
Taxa de atualizaçãosetting.refreshrate_numerator “60” and setting.refreshrate_denominator “1”
Economia de energia do laptopbattery_saver “false”

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Comandos para as Configurações de vídeo (Avançado) no CS2

Comandos para configurações de vídeo avançado no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Aumentar contraste dos jogadoresr_player_visibility_mode “1”
Aguardar sincronização verticalsetting.mat_vsync “0”
Valores individuais de predefinição atualDesconhecido
Antisserilhado de múltiplas amostrassetting.msaa_samples “8”
Qualidade global das sombrassetting.csm_max_num_cascades_override “3”, setting.csm_viewmodel_shadows “1”, setting.lb_csm_override_staticgeo_cascades_value “2”, setting.lb_sun_csm_size_cull_threshold_texels “10”, setting.lb_shadow_texture_width_override “4096”, setting.lb_shadow_texture_height_override “6144”, setting.lb_csm_cascade_size_override “2048”, setting.lb_barnlight_shadowmap_scale “1”, setting.r_particle_cables_cast_shadows “1” and setting.lb_enable_shadow_casting “1”
Detalhe dos modelos e texturassetting.r_csgo_lowend_objects “1”, setting.r_character_decal_resolution “1024”, setting.r_texture_stream_max_resolution “8192” and setting.r_csgo_mboit_force_mixed_resolution “0”
Modo de filtragem das texturassetting.shaderquality “1”
Detalhe do sombreadoressetting.r_texturefilteringquality “5”
Detalhe das partículassetting.r_particle_shadows “1”, setting.cl_particle_fallback_base “0”, setting.cl_particle_fallback_multiplier “0.2” and setting.r_particle_max_detail_level “3”
Oclusão de ambientesetting.r_aoproxy_enable “1” and setting.r_ssao “1”
High Dynamic Rangesetting.sc_hdr_enabled_override “-1”
FidelityFX Super Resolutionsetting.r_csgo_fsr_upsample “0” and setting.mat_viewportscale “1”
Modo de baixa latência (NVIDIA Reflex)setting.r_low_latency “2”
Modo de ampliaçãoDesconhecido

Comandos para as Configurações de vídeo (Bordas) no CS2

Configurações de vídeo Bordas CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Ajuste horizontalsafezonex “1”
Ajuste vertical safezoney “1”

Comandos para as Configurações de Áudio no CS2

Comandos para as configurações de áudio CS2
Foto: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Volume geralvolume “1”
Dispositivo de áudiosound_device_override “código do dispositivo”
Perfil de equalizaçãosnd_headphone_eq “0”
Isolamento estéreosnd_spatialize_lerp “0′
Correção de perspectivasnd_steamaudio_enable_perspective_correction “true”
Comunicação por vozvoice_modenable “true”
Volume de recepção de vozsnd_voipvolume “1”
Pressionar para falar simplificadovoice_always_sample_mic “false”
Tocar sons quando o jogo estiver em 2° planosnd_mute_losefocus “false”

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Comandos para as Configurações de Música no CS2

Comandos para configurações de música no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Volume da trilha do menu principalsnd_menumusic_volume “1”
Volume do som de início de rodadasnd_roundstart_volume “1”
Volume da ação da rodadasnd_roundaction_volume “1”
Volume do som de fim de rodadasnd_roundend_volume “1”
Volume da música de destaquesnd_mvp_volume “1”
Volume da música de objetivos (bomba/reféns)snd_mapobjective_volume “1”
Volume do som de aviso de dez segundossnd_tensecondwarning_volume “1”
Volume do som da câmera de mortesnd_deathcamera_volume “1”
Silenciar a música de destaque quando jogadores de ambas equipes estiverem vivossnd_mute_mvp_music_live_players “true”

Comandos para as Configurações de Jogo no CS2

Comandos para as configurações de jogo no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Latência máxima aceitável na criação de partidasmm_dedicated_search_maxping “80”
Largura de banda máxima aceitávelrate “786432”
Local das notificações da comunidadeui_steam_overlay_notification_position “topright”
Deslocamento horizontal de notificações da comunidadeui_steam_overlay_notification_position_horz “0”
Deslocamento vertical de notificações da comunidadeui_steam_overlay_notification_position_vert “0”
Ativar console de desenvolvedor (‘)con_enable “true”
Instalar ferramentas da Oficina do Counter-Strikeinstall_dlc_workshoptools_cvar “1”

Comandos para as Configurações de Interface no CS2

Comandos de configurações para Interface no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Tamanho da interfacehud_scaling “1.1”
Cor da interfacecl_hud_color “8”

Comandos para as Configurações de Equipe no CS2

Comandos para configurações de equipes no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Exibir posição de aliados na interfacecl_teamid_overhead_mode “2”
Exibir cores em aliados no modo Competitivocl_teammate_colors_show “1”
Usar cores dos aliados no texto sobre a cabeçacl_teamid_overhead_colors_show “true”
Permissões padrão de salaslobby_default_privacy_bits2 “0”
Sinalizar que quero jogar ao iniciar o Counter-Strikeui_setting_advertiseforhire_auto “0”

Comandos para as Configurações de Comunicação no CS2

Comandos para configurações de comunicação no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Alertas de jogadorescl_player_ping_mute “0”
Silenciar equipe inimigacl_mute_enemy_team “0”
Silenciar todos exceto amigoscl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party “0”
Exibir avatares animadoscl_allow_animated_avatars “false”
Ocultar avatares de jogadorescl_hide_avatar_images “0”
Ocultar nomes de jogadorescl_sanitize_player_names “false”

Comandos para as Configurações de Espectador e placar no CS2

Comandos para configurações de espectador e radar no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Seleção de mapa em votação/jogadores quando espec.spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds “1”
Ativar mouse no placar / Abrir/fechar placar ao final da partidacl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding “+attack2”
Sempre exibir quantidade de sobreviventescl_scoreboard_survivors_always_on “false”
Câmera suave de espectadorcl_obs_interp_enable “true”
Velocidade da câmera suave de espectadorcl_obs_interp_pos_rate “0.27”

Comandos para as Configurações de Itens no CS2

Configurações de Itens no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Grafite rápido (aplicado ao soltar a tecla)cl_playerspray_auto_apply “true”
Atrasar recolhimento da luneta após dispararcl_sniper_delay_unscope “false”
Reativar luneta de rifles de precisão após disparocl_sniper_auto_rezoom “true”
Remover silenciador da M4A1-S e USP-Scl_silencer_mode “0”
Posição do modelo de 1ª pessoaviewmodel_presetpos “3”
Sempre exibir inventáriocl_showloadout “true”
Abrir menu de compra com tecla “Usar”cl_use_opens_buy_menu “false”
Teclas numéricas no menu de compracl_buywheel_nonumberpurchasing “true”
Tecla para doar no menu de compracl_buywheel_donate_key “0”
Menu radial traz a última armacl_quickinventory_lastinv “false”

Comandos para as Configurações de Radar e Tablets no CS2

Comandos para as Configurações de Radar e Tablets no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Jogador centralizado no radarcl_radar_always_centered “false”
Rotacionar o radarcl_radar_rotate “true”
Tamanho do radarcl_hud_radar_scale “1.3”
Zoom do radarcl_radar_scale “0.5”
Alternar formato ao abrir placarcl_radar_square_with_scoreboard “true”

Comandos para as Configurações de Mira no CS2

Comandos para configurações de Mira no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Estilo da miracl_crosshairstyle “2”
Aviso de fogo amigo na miracl_crosshair_friendly_warning “1”
Seguir coicecl_crosshair_recoil “false”
Ponto centralcl_crosshairdot “false”
Tamanhocl_crosshairsize “5”
Espessuracl_crosshairthickness “1”
Espaçamentocl_crosshairgap “1”
Contorno (botão)cl_crosshair_drawoutline “true”
Contornocl_crosshair_outlinethickness “1”
Vermelhocl_crosshaircolor_r “50”
Verdecl_crosshaircolor_g “250”
Azulcl_crosshaircolor_b “50”
Alfa (botão)cl_crosshairusealpha “true”
Alfacl_crosshairalpha “200”
Distância de separação (modo clássica)cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist “7”
Alfa do pedaço interior (modo clássica)cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod “1”
Alfa do pedaço exterior (modo clássica)cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod 
Tamanho do pedaço exterior (modo clássica)cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio “0.35”
Estilo em Tcl_crosshair_t “false”
Espaçamento dinâmicocl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue “false”
Exibir mira de jogadorescl_show_observer_crosshair “1”

Comandos para as Configurações de Mouse e Teclado no CS2

Comandos para configurações de mouse e teclado no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Inverter mousemouse_inverty “false”
Modo de agacharoption_duck_method “false”
Modo de andaroption_speed_method “false”
Comportamento ao segurar botão de lunetacl_debounce_zoom “true”
Sensibilidade do mousesensitivity “2.9”
Multiplicador de sensibilidade da lunetazoom_sensitivity_ratio “0.89”

Comandos para as Configurações de Teclas de Movimento no CS2

Configurações de Teclas e Movimento no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Alterar a exibição do inventáriobind “i” “show_loadout_toggle”
Mover-se para a frentebind “w” “+forward”
Mover-se para trásbind “s” “+back”
Mover-se lateralmente p/ a esquerdabind “a” “+left”
Mover-se lateralmente p/ a direitabind “d” “+right”
Andar devagarbind “shift” “+sprint”
Agacharbind “ctrl” “+duck”
Pularbind “space” “+jump”

Comandos para as Configurações de Teclas de Armas no CS2

Comandos para configurações de teclas de armas no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Usarbind “e” “+use”
Dispararbind “mouse1” “+attack”
Disparo secundáriobind “mouse2” “+attack2”
Recarregarbind “r” “+reload”
Menu de armas radialbind “capslock” “+quickinv”
Selecionar a arma anteriorbind “mwheelup” “invprev”
Selecionar a próxima armabind “mwheeldown” “invnext”
Última arma usadabind “q” “lastinv”
Largar armabind “g” “drop”
Inspecionar armabind “f” “+lookatweapon”
Menu de comprabind “b” “buymenu”
Compra automáticabind “f3” “autobuy”
Comprar anteriores novamentebind “f4” “rebuy”
Arma primáriabind “1” “slot1”
Arma secundáriabind “2” “slot2”
Armas corpo a corpobind “3” “slot3”
Alterar granadabind “4” “slot4”
Explosivos e armadilhasbind “5” “slot5”
Granada explosivabind “6” “slot6”
Granada de luzbind “7” “slot7”
Granada de fumaçabind “8” “slot8”
Granada de distraçãobind “9” “slot9”
Coquetel Molotovbind “0” “slot10”
Zeus x27bind “tecla” “slot11”
Injeção Médicabind “x” “slot12”
Utilitáriosbind “tecla” “slot13”
Menu de grafitesbind “t” “+spray_menu”

Comandos para as Configurações de Teclas da Interface no CS2

Comandos de configurações de Teclas da Interface no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Placarbind “tab” “+showscores”
Exibir equipamento de aliadosbind “tecla” “+cl_show_team_equipment”
Iniciar votaçãobind “-” “callvote”
Escolher equipebind “m” “teammenu”
Alternar exibição do consolebind “‘” “toggleconsole”

Comandos para as Configurações de Opções de Comunicação no CS2

Comandos de configurações Opções de Comunicação no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Alertarbind “tecla” “player_ping”
Mensagens de rádiobind “z” “radio”
Mensagens de comando via rádiobind “tecla” “radio1”
Mensagens padrão via rádiobind “tecla” “radio2”
Mensagens de aviso via rádiobind “tecla” “radio3”
Mensagem para equipebind “u” “messagemode2”
Mensagem para todosbind “y” “messagemode”
Usar microfonebind “k” “+voicerecord”
Desativar conversa temporariamentebind “tecla” “clutch_mode_toggle”

Comandos para as Configurações da Roda de Mensagens no CS2

Comandos para configurações roda de mensagens no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Roda 1bind “tecla” “+radialradio”
Roda 2bind “c” “+radialradio2”
Roda 3bind “v” “+radialradio3”

Comandos para as Configurações da Roda1 de Mensagens no CS2

Comandos para as Configurações da Roda1 de Mensagens no CS2
Imagem: Reprodução/Counter-Strike 2
Roda 1 (1)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_1 “#Chatwheel_gogogo”
Roda 1 (2)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_2 “#Chatwheel_sticktogether”
Roda 1 (3)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_3 “#Chatwheel_requestweapon”
Roda 1 (4)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_4 “#Chatwheel_requestplan”
Roda 1 (5)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_5 “#Chatwheel_fallback”
Roda 1 (6)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_6 “#Chatwheel_requestecoround”
Roda 1 (7)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_7 “#Chatwheel_requestspend”
Roda 1 (8)cl_radial_radio_tab_0_text_8 “#Chatwheel_spreadout”

Comandos para as Configurações da Roda2 de Mensagens no CS2

Roda 2 (1)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_1 “#Chatwheel_cheer”
Roda 2 (2)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_2 “#Chatwheel_negative”
Roda 2 (3)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_3 “#Chatwheel_bplan”
Roda 2 (4)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_4 “#Chatwheel_thanks”
Rodal 2 (5)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_5 “#Chatwheel_sorry”
Roda 2 (6)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_6 “#Chatwheel_peptalk”
Roda 2 (7)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_7 “#Chatwheel_aplan”
Roda 2 (8)cl_radial_radio_tab_1_text_8 “#Chatwheel_affirmative”

Comandos para as Configurações da Roda3 de Mensagens no CS2

Rodal 3 (1)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_1 “#Chatwheel_enemyspotted”
Roda 3 (2)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_2 “#Chatwheel_heardnoise”
Roda 3 (3)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_3 “#Chatwheel_multipleenemieshere”
Roda 3 (4)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_4 “#Chatwheel_droppedbomb”
Roda 3 (5)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_5 “#Chatwheel_needbackup”
Roda 3 (6)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_6 “#Chatwheel_youfixbomb”
Roda 3 (7)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_7 “#Chatwheel_sectorclear”
Roda 3 (8)cl_radial_radio_tab_2_text_8 “#Chatwheel_sniperspotted”

Os créditos são destacados ao autor JOAOKAKA1998. Siga ele no Youtube!

Se você não encontrou o que procurava nos comandos do CS2, é possível que o comando permanece o mesmo do CSGO. Então, veja a lista à seguir com todos os comandos do CSGO.

Os Comandos do console do CS:GO

A lista segue com comandos para adicionar ou remover bots e personalizar a mira.

retryReconecta ao último servidor acessado
volume 0.5Altera o volume do jogo entre 0 e 1
voice_enable 0Desativa o chat por voz
statusExibe informações das jogadores na sessão

Comandos CSGO para ver partidas gravadas

Esses são úteis para ver partidas gravadas; só funcionam com o sv_cheats ativado.

noclipAtiva/desativa o “modo de vôo” (movimentar-se livremente pelo mapa)
godAtiva/desativa o modo imortal (não morre ou sofre dano)
r_drawothermodels 2Outra forma de visualizar os personagens através das paredes

Comandos CS:GO para personalizar a mira (crosshair)

Outros para personalizar a mira (crosshair), o campo de visão e a posição da arma.

cl_crosshairstyle 3Estilo da mira (0 = dinâmica, 1 = estática, 2 = clássica, 3 = clássica/dinâmica, 4 = clássica/estática)
cl_crosshaircolor 1Cor da mira (0 = vermelho, 1 = verde, 2 = amarelo, 3 = azul, 4 = ciano, 5 = personalizada)
cl_crosshairdot 0Ativar/desativar o ponto central
cl_crosshairsize 2Configura o tamanho da mira
cl_crosshairthickness 0.5Espessura da mira
cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0Borda da mira (1 para ativar, 0 para ativar)
cl_righthand 0Posição da arma (0 = esquerda, 1 = direita)
viewmodel_fov 60Ângulo total do campo de visão do jogador (FOV). Mínimo de 54 e máximo de 68

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Comandos CSGO para alterar interface do jogo (HUD)

Existem comandos para determinadas configurações que podem ser alteradas nas opções do jogo, como alterar a posição ou a cor da interface do game (HUD). Eles são úteis para mudar alguma configuração durante uma partida sem abrir a tela de opções.

hud_scaling 0.5Muda o tamanho do HUD (de 0.5 à 0.95)
cl_hud_playercount_pos 0a posição do contador de jogadores vivos para baixo ou para cima da tela
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 00 = contador mostra os avatares dos jogadores; 1 = contador exibe o número de jogadores restantes/vivos
cl_hud_color_0Muda a cor dos elementos da interface. 0 = Normal; 1 = Branco; 2 = Azul claro; 3 = Azul escuro; 4 = Roxo; 5 = Vermelho; 6 = Laranja; 7 = Amarelo; 8 = Verde; 9 = Água marinha; 10 = Rosa.
cl_hud_healthammo_style 0Oculta/Exibe os ícones de vida, armadura e munição

Comandos CSGO para modificar o radar

Tente também usar os comandos de radar que ajustam a visualização do mini mapa dinâmico que fica posicionado no canto superior esquerdo da tela.

cl_hud_radar_scale 0.8Redimensiona o radar (Mínimo 0.8; Máximo 1.3)
cl_radar_always_centered 1Mantém o radar centralizado no ponto do jogador
cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.6Altera o tamanho dos pontos no radar (Mínimo 0.4; Máximo 1)
cl_radar_rotate 10 = A câmera do radar gira de acordo com o movimento do jogador; 1 = câmera do radar fica estática
cl_radar_scale 0.35Altera o zoom do radar (Mínimo 0.25; Máximo 1)

Leia também

Todos os comandos do console CSGO (versão da Valve)

_snd_mixahead 0.100clienteaudiosets sound mixahead value
– similar to s_mixahead in Quake2 – can fix stuttering issues with some
sound cards
_vid_default_mode 0clientevideosets default video mode
(screen resolution)
clientevideosets default windowed
video mode (screen resolutoin)
clientevideosets video wait override
_windowed_mouse 0clientejogadorenables mouse in windowed
+attack2clientejogadorsecondary fire – *see
+backclientejogadormove backwards
+camdistanceclientechase cammoves chase cam perspective
away from player – *works only if thirdperson is activated
+caminclientechase cammoves chase cam forward
– *works only if thirdperson is activated
+cammousemoveclientechase cammoves chase with mouse
– *works only if thirdperson is activated
+camoutclientechase cammoves chase cam backward
– *works only if thirdperson is activated
campitchdownclientechase camdecreases chase cam pitch
to look down – *works only if thirdperson is activated
+campitchupclientechase camincreases chase cam pitch
to look up – *works only if thirdperson is activated
+camyawleftclientechase camtilts chase cam left –
*works only if thirdperson is activated
+camyawrightclientechase camtilts chase cam right
– *works only if thirdperson is activated
+det20clientejogadorsets detpack with 20 second
timer – *demo class only
+det5clientejogadorsets detpack with 5 second
timer – *demo class only
+det50clientejogadorsets detpack with 50 second
timer – *demo class only
+forwardclientejogadormoves forward
+gren1clientejogadorlaunches grenade type
1 – *see primegrenX, throwgren
+ip ip address
+gren2clientejogadorlaunches grenade type
2 – *see primegrenX, throwgren
+jlookclientejoystickenables joystick to look
+klookclientejogadorenables the keyboard to
look around
+leftclientejogadorstrafes left
+lookdownclientejogadorlooks down
+lookupclientejogadorlooks up
+mlookclientemouseenables mouse to look
+movedownclientejogadormoves player down – *climbing
down a ladder, swimming down
+moveleftclientejogadorstrafes left
+moverightclientejogadorstrafes right
+moveupclientejogadormoves player up – *climbing
up a ladder, swimming up
+reloadclientejogadorreloads current weapon
+rightclientejogadorstrafes right
+showscoresclientejogadorshows player scores and
+speedclientejogadorforces player to walk
if ‘always run’ is enabled, and forces player to run if ‘always run’ is
+strafeclientejogadorstrafe modifier – while
this is held down, use direction keys to strafe in different directions
+useclientejogadoruses an item- such as
a button, machine gun, etc.
adm_banclientetfc adminbans the current player
in the player’s list from the server – must have admin status of server
by using the “admin ” command
adm_ceasefireclientetfc adminpauses or unpauses the
game – must have admin status of server by using the “admin ” command
adm_countplayersclientetfc adminshows the number of players
on a server and their teams – must have admin status of server by using
the “admin ” command
adm_dealclientetfc adminbegins a cycle in the
player’s list that asks to kick, ban, or next for each player – must have
admin status of server by using the “admin ” command
adm_kickclientetfc adminkicks the current player
in the player’s list from the server – must have admin status of server
by using the “admin ” command
adm_listplayersclientetfc adminlists all players and
their ip addresses – must have admin status of server by using the “admin ” command
adm_nextclientetfc adminadvances to the next player
in the player’s list – must have admin status of server by using the “admin ” command
adminclientetfc adminafter server has set “tfc_adminpwd”,
use this in the in-game console to gain admin status of the server and
can use any of the “adm_*” commands
alias “cmd1;
clientejogadorbinds commands together
in an alias to perform mutiple tasks at the hit of one button
allowuploadclienteuploading/ downloadingtoggles the uploading
of local decals and models to the server on/off
ambient_fade 100clienteaudiosets the distance at which
ambient sounds fade away
ambient_level 0.300clienteaudiosets the sound level for
ambient sounds
appenddemoclientedemorecords a demo and appends
it to the demo file in existence at Half-Life/Valve/demo.dem
autosaveclientejogadorenables autosave feature
bgetmodclientejogadorrequests batch mod status
bgetsvclientejogadorrequests batch server
bgmbuffer 4096clienteaudiosets the CD audio buffer
bgmvolume 0clienteaudiotoggles CD audio on/off-
* 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
bindclientejogadorcombines a with
a command or alias
bottomcolor 6clientejogadorsets the bottom color
of the player model
brightness 1clientevideoenables glare reduction
– *the higher the value, the brighter it gets
buildclientejogadordisplays the build menu
to choose from sentry or dispenser – *engineer class only
c_maxdistance 200clientechase camsets the maximum distance
of the chase cam
c_maxpitch 90clientechase camsets the maximum pitch
of the chase cam
c_maxyaw 135clientechase camsets the maximum yaw of
the chase cam
c_minidistance 30clientechase camsets the minimum distance
of the chase cam
c_minpitch 0clientechase camsets the minimum pitch
of the chase cam
c_minyaw -135clientechase camsets the minimum yaw of
the chase cam
cam_command 0clientechase camtoggles chase cam commands
on/off – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cam_contain 0clientechase camtoggles chase cam auto-contain
in current room on/off – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cam_idealdist 64clientechase camsets the preferred distance
from the player model to the chase cam – *works only if thirdperson is
cam_idealpitch 0clientechase camsets the preferred pitch
for the chase cam – *works only if thirdperson is activated
cam_idealyaw 90clientechase camsets the preferred yaw
for the chase cam – *works only if thirdperson is activated
cam_snapto 0clientechase camsets the preferred snap
interval for the chase cam – *works only if thirdperson is activated
cancelselectclientejogadorcancels selection
cdclienteaudiocontrols CD audio – *
i.e., ‘cd stop’ stops the cd play, ‘cd loop X’ plays track X using tracks
centerviewclientejogadorcenters the players view
changeclassclientejogadordisplays the change class
changeteamclientejogadordisplays the team change
chase_back 100clientechase camsets the preferred chase
cam distance from the player when backing up
chase_right 0clientechase camsets the preferred offset
to the side for the chase cam
chase_up 16clientechase camsets the preferred offset
up for the chase cam
cl_adaptiveclientejogadordisplays time, dropped
packet %, average latency, up/down rates, and frames per second (FPS)
cl_allow_download 0clienteuploading/ downloadingtoggles download of maps,
models and decals when joining a server – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_allow_upload 0clienteuploading/ downloadingtoggles upload of maps,
models and decals when joining a server – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_allowdownload 0clienteuploading/ downloadingtoggles download of maps,
models and decals when joining a server – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_allowupload 0clienteuploading/ downloadingtoggles upload of maps,
models and decals when joining a server – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_anglespeedkey 0.670clientejogadorsets the speed that the
direction keys change the view angle
cl_appendmixed 0clienteaudiotoggles the forcing the
playing of mixed sounds as sequential sounds instead – * 1 is ‘on’, 0
is ‘off’
cl_backspeed 400clientejogadorsets the backup speed
of a player – number can only go as fast as a particular server allows
cl_bitcountsclientejogadorshows list of bits received
for each player, with delta values
cl_bob 0.010clientejogadorsets the amount that the
view bobs while the player is running
cl_bobcycle 0.800clientejogadorsets how frequently the
view of a player bobs while running
cl_bobup 0.500clientejogadorsets the amount that the
view of a player bobs while running
clienteuploading/ downloadingtoggles downloads of models
and decals during a game – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_download_max 0clienteuploading/ downloadingsets the maximum number
of files downloaded from a server
clienteuploading/ downloadingsets the minimum time
in between downloads from a server
cl_forwardspeed 400clientejogadorsets the forward speed
of a player – *can only go as fast as the server allows
cl_gaitestimation 1clientejogadorenables estimated player
stepping motion
cl_gg 0clientejogadortoggles game gauge mode
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_himodelsclientejogadortoggles higer quality
player models – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_messagesclientejogadorshows server messages
cl_movespeedkey 0.300clientejogadorsets movement speed for
keyboard use
cl_nodeltaclientejogadortoggles delta compression
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_nopred 0clientejogadortoggles client-side prediction
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_pitchdownclientejogadorsets the maximum angle
to look down – *default is 89
cl_pitchspeed 225clientejogadorsets the speed at which
the pitch changes
cl_pitchupclientejogadorsets the maximum angle
to look up – *default is 89
cl_pred_fraction 0.5clientejogadorsets the client-side prediction
faction – *closer to 1.0 is more prediction
cl_pred_link 1clientejogadorsets the client-side prediction
link value
cl_pred_maxtime 255clientejogadorsets the maximum client-side
prediction time
clientejogadortoggles prediction of
other players – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_print_customclientejogadordisplays loaded custom
.wad files or decals
cl_resend 3clientejogadorsets the resend count
cl_rollangle 2clientevideosets the view tilt angle
for roll motion
cl_rollspeed 200clientevideosets the view tilt speed
cl_shownet 0clientejogadortoggles the display of
network packet numbers – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_showsizes 0clientejogadortoggles the display of
network packet size graph – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_sidespeed 400clientejogadorsets the strafing speed
of a player
cl_skycolor_b 0clientevideosets the blue component
of the sky color
cl_skycolor_g 0clientevideosets the green component
of the sky color
cl_skycolor_r 0clientevideosets the red component
of the sky color
cl_skynameclientevideosets the sky pattern –
* such as ‘cl_skyname desert’
cl_skyvec_x 0clientevideosets the sky pattern position
cl_skyvec_y 0clientevideosets the sky pattern position
cl_skyvec_z 0clientevideosets the sky pattern position
cl_slist 10clientejogadorsets the number of servers
in the serverlist
cl_solid_players 1clientejogadortoggles solid player models
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
cl_timeout 305sets the inactivity time
brfore a client times out
cl_upload_max 0sets the maximum number
of files a client can upload to a server
cl_upspeed 320clientejogadorsets the speed of a player
when he climbs up
cl_usrclientejogadordisplays user HUD information
cl_viewclientejogadordisplays list of current
on-screen entities
cl_waterdist 4clientejogadorsets the underwater distance
cl_yawspeed 210clientejogadorsets the turning speed
– * only will go as fast as a server allows
clearclientejogadorclears the console screen
clearlistclientejogadorclears the server list
clientport 27005clientejogadorsets the port that the
client will use to connect to a server
cmdclientejogadorcan use this in conjunction
with a command
con_notifytime 4sets client notification
connectclientejogadorconnects to a server with
the used ip address
contimesshows n overlay lines
– * n = 4 to 64
coop 0toggles cooperatice play
mode – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
crcdisplays the crc value
for the map at maps .bsp
crosshair 0clientejogadortoggles the crosshair
on/off – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
customrsrclistissues a resource request
dc 0clientejogadortoggles the display of
the class briefings – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
deathmatch 0toggles deathmatch mode
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
default_fov 90clientejogadorsets the default field
of view in degrees – * smaller number is a smaller angle of view, while
a larger number is a larger field of view
demosclientedemoruns a loop of demos set
with startdemos
detdispenserclientejogadorremotely detonates ammo
dispenser – * engineer class only
discardclientejogadordrops unusable ammo
disconnectclientejogadordisconnects a player from
a server
displaysoundlist 0clienteaudiotoggles on/off a list
of all loaded sounds – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
downloadclienteuploading/ downloadingbegins downloading files
from a server – * only if ‘cl_download_ingame’ is set to 1
echo “message”clientejogadorechos text to the console
– * useful for letting a player know that a script or .cfg file was loaded
edgefriction 2sets the amount of friction
between players and objects
enableconsoleclientejogadorenables the console screen
endmovieclientejogadorends a currently ongoing
envmapcreates the 6 .bmp images
for sky boxes from the player’s current position
escapeclientejogadoracts as key by
hiding the console and cancelling selections
fakelag 0clientejogadorsimulates lag – * the
higher the number, the more simulated lag
fakeloss 0clientejogadorsimulates packet loss
– * the higher the value, the more simulated packet loss
feignclientejogadorfake death – * spy class
firstpersonclientejogadorenables first person viewing
of the game
flaginfoclientejogadordisplays flag status
flushflushes the memory and
reloads the map
force_centerviewclientejogadorforces the player’s view
to look straight ahead
fps_lan 31clientejogadorsets the maximum framerate
on a LAN game
fps_modem 31clientejogadorsets the maximum framerate
in an internet game
fps_single 80clientejogadorsets the maximum framerate
in a single playergame
fullinfodisplays user information
fullserverinfodisplays server information
gamma 3clientevideosets the gamma level
getcertificateclientejogadorgets certificate from
getsvclientejogadorlists each server’s ip
address and the total number of servers
ggclientedemoruns the game gauge benchmark
using – * ‘cl_gg’ must be set to 1
gl_affinemodels 0clientevideo
gl_alphamin 0.250clientevideosets the minimum alpha
blending level
gl_clear 0clientevideotoggles visual quality
– * cracks between textures show when set to 1
gl_cull 1clientevideotoggles rendering of visible
objects only – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, and 0 will lower fps
gl_d3dflip 0clientevideotoggles reversed rendering
order for D3D
gl_dither 1clientevideotoggles dithering – *
1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_dumpclientevideolists the data for the
video card: vendor, renderer, version, and extensions used
gl_flipmatrix 0clientevideotoggles special crosshair
fix when using the 3DNow! 3Dfx MiniGL – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_keeptjunctions 0clientevideotoggles showing of cracks
between textures – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, with 1 being the better quality
and slower fps
gl_lightholes 0clientevideotoggles light holes –
* 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_logclientevideowrites graphic debug messages
gl_max_size 256clientevideosets the maximum texture
gl_monolights 0clientevideotoggles a uniform light
source with no shadows – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, and works in OpenGL
gl_nobind 0clientevideotoggles the replacement
of textures with alphanumeric characters – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_overbright 0clientevideotoggles maximum brightness
mode – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_palette_tex 0clientevideotoggles paletted textures
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_picmip 0clientevideosets the rendering quality
– * higher the number is faster but lower quality
gl_playermip 0clientevideosets the player rendering
quality – * higher the number is faster but lower quality
gl_polyoffset 4clientevideosets the polygon offset
– try out different values for texture flickering problems
clientevideotoggles writing T-junction
reporting to the console
gl_round_down 3clientevideosets the texture rounding
down value – * higher the number faster but lower quality
gl_smoothmodels 0clientevideotoggles model smoothing
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_spriteblend 0clientevideotoggles blending sprite
graphics – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_texelsclientevideoreports the number of
texels uploaded to the video card
gl_texsort 0clientevideotoggles a texel sort –
* 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
gl_texturemode [type]clientevideosets the rendering mode
in order from the lowest quality but fastest to highest quality which
is slower – * [type] options are: gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest, gl_linear_mipmap_nearest
(these two deal with bilinear filtering) and gl_nearest_mipmap_linear,
gl_linear_mipmap_linear (which deals with trilinear filtering)
gl_wateramp 0.300clientevideo
gl_zmax 4096clientevideosets the maximum size
for the Z-Buffer
gl_ztrick 1clientevideotoggles the speeding up
of 3Dfx rendering – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
godclientejogadorgod mode makes player
invincible – * ‘sv_cheats’ must be set to 1
graphheight 64clientejogadorsets the height of the
r_netgraph display
graphhigh 512clientejogadorsets the maximum value
of the r_netgraph display
graphmean 1clientejogadorsets the mean value of
the r_netgraph display
graphmedian 128clientejogadorsets the median value
of the r_netgraph display
hideconsoleclientejogadorhides the console
hisound 1clienteaudiotoggles high-quality sound
– * 1=22kHz, 0=11kHz
hud_centerid 0clientejogadortoggles player ID display
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
clientejogadorsets how long death messages
remain onscreen
clientejogadorsets how long HUD item
icons remain onscreen
hud_fastswitch 0clientejogadortoggles fast weapon switching
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
hud_saytext_time 5clientejogadorsets how long chat messages
remain onscreen
impulse 100clientejogadorenables flashlight
impulse 101gives all weapons and
ammo – * ‘sv_cheats’ must be set to 1
impulse 201clientejogadorsprays logo decal
interpclientejogadorenables frame interpolation
invlastclientejogadorselects previous item
in inventory
invnextclientejogadorselects next item in inventory
invprevclientejogadorselects previous item
in inventory
ip ip address
ip_clientport 0clientejogadorsets the client port for
a TCP/IP game
ipx_clientport 0clientejogadorsets the client port for
an IPX game
joyadvanced 0clientejoystickThese do joystick things
– who the hell uses joysticks for FPSes anyway?!? 
joyadvaxisr 0clientejoystick
joyadvaxisv 0clientejoystick
joyadvaxisx 0clientejoystick
joyadvaxisy 0clientejoystick
joyadvaxisz 0clientejoystick
joyname 0clientejoystick
joypitchthreshold 0.150clientejoystick
joysidethreshold 0.150clientejoystick
joystick 0clientejoystick
joywwhack1 0clientejoystick
joywwhack2 0clientejoystick
joyyawsensitivity -1clientejoystick
joyyawthreshold 0.150clientejoystick
killclientejogadorplayer suicides to respawn
lambert 1.500
lcd_x 0may have something to
do with lcd display monitors
lcd_yaw 0may have something to
do with lcd display monitors
lightgamma 2.500clientevideosets the lighting gamma
listclientejogadorlists local servers found
after using the ‘slist’ commands
listdemoclientedemolists information about
loadclientejogadorloads a saved game
loadas8bit 0clienteaudiotoggles the forcing of
8-bit (lower quality) sounds – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
localinfoclientejogadorshows local settings
logoslists decals
lookspring 0clientemousetoggles automatic view
centering when ‘mlook’ is deactivated – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
lookstrafe 0clientemousetoggles mouse strafing
when ‘mlook’ is active – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
m_filter 0clientemousetoggles mouse filtering
(smoothing) – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
m_forwardclientemousesets the mouse forward
speed sensitivity multiplier
m_pitch 0.022clientemousesets the mouse pitch (up
and down motion) speed sensitivity multiplier – * negative numbers result
in an inverted mouselook
m_side 0.800clientemousesets the mouse strafing
speed sensitivity multiplier
m_yaw 0.022clientemousesets the yaw speed sensitivity
mcachelists modem cache contents
menuselectclientejogadorselects item from
a menu
messagemodeclientejogadordisplays to all
other players on a server
messagemode2clientejogadordisplays to only
other players on same team
modelclientejogadorchanges current player
model to
motdclientejogadordisplays the Message Of
The Day from the server’s motd.txt file [more]
nameclientejogadorused to change a player’s
netbadsimulates a bad network
netchokeloop 0
netmaxdisplays maximum packets
and game packets
netusage 0clientejogadortoggles a network usage
graph – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
newclientejogadorbegins a new singleplayer
nextdlclientejogadordownloads next file
noclip 0clientejogadorif turned on, players
can walk through walls – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, and ‘sv_cheats’ must
be set to 1
nosound 0clienteaudiotoggles sound – * 1 is
‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
notarget 0clientejogadormakes players ignore you
– * ‘sv_cheats’ must be set to 1
pauseclientejogadorpauses a game
pingserversclientejogadordisplays pings of servers
in the serverlist
pingsvclientejogadorpings a server at
playclienteaudioplays a .wav designated
playdemoclientedemoplays .dem
at normal speed
playvol 9clientedemosets demo playback volume
pm_nostucktouch 0
pm_nostudio 0
pm_pushfix 0
pm_worldonly 0
pointfileloads maps .pts
precache 0clientejogadortoggles preloading of
all needed files at map start – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
primegren1clientejogadorprimes grenade type 1
primegren2clientejogadorprimes grenade type 2
pushlatency -100clientejogadorset this number to the
inverse of your ping to help latency
quitclienteallexits to windows without
r_decals 250clientejogadorsets the maximum number
of decals
r_drawadaptive 0
r_drawentities 0clientejogadortoggles drawing player
models and sprites – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_drawviewmodel 0clientejogadortoggles drawing player
weapon model – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_dynamic 0clientevideotoggles dynamic lighting
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_fullbrightclientejogadortoggles maximum brightness
in local games only – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_glowshellfreq 2.2
r_lightmapclientedeveloperssoftware rendering mode
only – * displays one of four (0,1,2,3) possible lightmaps to view range
of switched lights
r_lightstyleclientedeveloperssoftware rendering mode
only – * displays only specified lighting style for viewing full range
of pulsing, blinking, etc. lighting effects
r_mirroralpha 0clientejogadortoggles reflective textures
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_mmx 0clientejogadortoggles MMX xalculations
for MMX cpu’s – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_netgraph 0clientejogadortoggles graph of network
conditions – *0 is ‘off’, 1 shows green = good, yellow = bad, red = horrible,
2 shows packetsize
r_norefresh 0toggles clearing HUD and
console before redrawing – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_novis 0toggles drawing underwater
polygons – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, ‘r_wateralpha’ must be set to 1
r_shadows 0clientejogadortoggles players’ shadows
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_speeds 0clientedeveloperstoggles average fps, draw
speed and polygon info – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, very useful when making
r_traceglow 0toggles inclusion of monsters
in glow sprite occlusion checking – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
r_wadtextures 0
r_wateralpha 0clientejogadortoggles alpha blending
underwater – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, ‘r_novis’ must be set to 1
rate 5000clientejogadorsets client data rate
– * 1000 – 5000 for modems, and 10000+ for LAN
reconnectclientejogadorreconnects to the current
recordclientedemobegins to record a demo
and saves it to Half-LifeValve .dem
removedemodemoremoves a segment
resourcelistclientejogadorlists all loaded resources
resourcesclientejogadorlists loaded decals
retryclientejogadortries four more times
to connect to a server that has already failed four connect attempts
room_delay 0.3clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_dlylp 2clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_feedback 0.42clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_left 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_lp 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_mod 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_off 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_refl 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_refl 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_rvblp 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_size 0clienteaudio3D sound setting
room_type 20clienteaudio3D sound setting
s_2dvolume 1clienteaudiomaximum volume at which
2D sounds are played – * range from 0 to 1.0
s_a3d 0.000000clienteaudiotoggles A3D support –
* 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
clienteaudiosets the distance for
maximum sound volume
clienteaudiosets the distance for
minimum sound volume
s_blipdir 0
s_bloat 2.0clienteaudiobloat factor for polygons
in A3D 2.0 only
s_buffersize 65536clienteaudiosets the buffer size
s_disable_a3d 0clienteaudiotoggles disabling a3D
– * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
s_distance 60clienteaudioadjust the ratio of game
units to meters, affecting velocity, positioning and distance – * higher
the number, the closer everything gets in audio terms – range from 0 to
s_doppler 0.0clienteaudioadjusts the doppler –
* 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, range from 0 to 10, and is very sensitive
s_eax 0clienteaudiotoggles EAX support –
* 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
s_enable_a3dclienteaudioenables A3D support
s_geometry 0clienteaudiotoggles geometry rendering
in A3D 2.0 only – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
s_leafnum 0
s_materials 0
s_max_distance 1000clienteaudiomaximum distance from
the listener before rolloff is no longer applied – * valid range from
‘s_min_distance’ to infinity
s_min_distance 5clienteaudiominimum distance a source
will be from the listener before rolloff is applied – * range from 0 to
s_numpolys 200clienteaudiomaximum polygons to be
rendered in A3D 2.0 only – setting this to 0 is the same as turning off
‘s_geometry’ – * range from 0 to infinity
s_occfactor 0.250clienteaudiotransmission value of
material – the smaller the number, the less sound passes through material
– * range from 0 to 1.0
s_occlude 0clienteaudiotoggles sound passing
throug material (occlusions) in A3D 2.0 only – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
s_polykeep 1000000000clienteaudio
s_polysize 10000000clienteaudio
s_refdelay 4clienteaudiodelays between a source
and its closest reflection in A3D 2.0 only – higher the delay, the more
time it takes between when the source and its first reflection is played
– * range from 0 to 100
s_refgain 0.4clienteaudioadjusts the gain on each
reflection in A3D 2.0 only, where the effects of distance are increased:
high frequencies are filtered and volume lowered – * range from 0 to 10
s_rolloff 1.0clienteaudio
s_showtossed 0clienteaudio
s_usepvs 0clienteaudio
s_verbwet 0.25clienteaudiocontrols the wet/dry mix
of reverb for A3D only – higher the number, the more wet the sounds –
* range from 0 to 1.0
saveclientejogadorsave current game in single
player only
savemeclientejogadorcalls for a medic
say “message”clientejogadorchat with all other players
on a server
say_team “message”clientejogadorsrelay a message to only
your teammates
scr_centertime 2sets how long server messages
remain on the screen
scr_connectmsg “msg”displays “msg”
in screen’s lower left
scr_connectmsg1 “msg”displays “msg”
1 in screen’s lower left
scr_connectmsg2 “msg”displays “msg”
2 in screen’s lower left
scr_conspeed 600clientejogadorsets the console scroll
scr_ofsx 0clientejogadorsets the screen message
scr_ofsy 0clientejogadorsets the screen message
scr_ofsz 0clientejogadorsets the screen message
scr_printspeed 7clientejogadorsets the screen message
print speed
scr_transparentui 1
screenshotclientejogadorcaptures the screen and
saves it in the Half-Life/Valve directory
sensitivity 9clientemousesets the sensitivity of
the mouse
servercfgfileservidorserver adminsets the sercer config
file – * default is server.cfg
serverinfoclientejogadordisplays the server infromation
serverprofileservidorserver adminsets the server profile
clientedemoadds information to a
demo, such as a text title, play ‘tracknum’, fade or
setinfoclientejogador– * i.e., ‘setinfo “ts”
“0”’ or ‘setinfo “dc” “0”’
setinfo tf_idclientejogadorsets the tfc clan battle
id [more]
sfeignclientejogadorfakes death – * spy class
shortnameclientejogadordisplays client’s name
showdrop 0clientejogadortoggles the display of
dropped packets – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
showinfo 0clientejogadortoggles display of all
packets – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
showpackets 0clientejogadortoggles network packet
info display – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
showpause 0clientejogadortoggles pause of graphic
display – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
showram 0clientejogadortoggles display of available
ram – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
showtriggers 0clientedeveloperstoggles display of map
trigger entities – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
sizedownclientejogadordecreases screen size
and increases fps
sizeupclientejogadorincreases screen size
and decreases fps
skill 1clientejogadorsets the skill level in
singleplayer and coop mode
skin 0clientejogadorsets the model skin
skipdlclientejogadorskips the current download
and moves on to the next, if any exist
skipulclientejogadorskips the current upload
and moves to the next, if any exist
slistclientejogadorsearches for local servers
– * use ‘list’ to display this list
slot1clientejogadorselect weapon group 1
(or menu item 1) see ‘use’
slot2clientejogadorselect weapon group 2
(or menu item 2) see ‘use’
slot3clientejogadorselect weapon group 3
(or menu item 3) see ‘use’
slot4clientejogadorselect weapon group 4
(or menu item 4) see ‘use’
slot5clientejogadorselect weapon group 5
(or menu item 5) see ‘use’
slot6clientejogadorselect weapon group 6
(or menu item 6) see ‘use’
slot7clientejogadorselect weapon group 7
(or menu item 7) see ‘use’
slot8clientejogadorselect weapon group 8
(or menu item 8) see ‘use’
slot9clientejogadorselect weapon group 9
(or menu item 9) see ‘use’
slot10clientejogadorselect weapon group 10
(or menu item 10) see ‘use’
snapshotclientejogadortakes a screenshot
snd_noextraupdate 0clienteaudiotoggles extra sound system
updates – * 1 is ‘on’ and only use if having problems, 0 is ‘off’
snd_show 0clienteaudiotoggles the display of
which sounds are being played – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
soundfadeclienteaudiosets the soundfade parameters
– * =
< %>[]
soundinfoclienteaudiodisplays the number of stereo
channels, samples, samplebits, speed DMA, and sound channels
soundlistclienteaudiodisplays a list of all loaded
spawnclientejogadorspawns a player back into the
speakclientejogadorto say something over the intercom –
* try: hello, #000000, mesa, you, go alert
specialclientejogadordisplays the special menu for each
spectator 0clientejogadortoggles entering a game as a
spectator – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ – spectator mode does not currently
startdemosclientedemobegins playing demos in a
startmovieclientedemoplays a movie
stopclientedemostops the recording of a
stopdemoclientedemostop the playing of a
stopsoundclienteaudiostops playing the current
clienteaudiosets the volume of the HEV
swapdemoclientedemoswaps two segments’ positions inside
a demo
tellclientejogadorspeks a message
texgamma 2clientejogadorpossibly sets the gamma of the
tf_weapon_acclientejogadorselects assault cannon weapon – * hw
class only
tf_weapon_autorifleclientejogadorselects autorifle weapon – * sniper
class only
tf_weapon_axeclientejogadorselects crowbar – *sniper, soldier,
demoman, hw, and pyro classes only
tf_weapon_flamethrowerclientejogadorselects flamethrower – * pyro class
tf_weapon_glclientejogadorselects grenade launcher – * demo
class only
tf_weapon_icclientejogadorselects incendiary cannon – * pyro
class only
tf_weapon_knifeclientejogadorselects knife – * spy class
tf_weapon_medikitclientejogadorselects medkit – * medic class
tf_weapon_ngclientejogadorselects nailgun – * sniper and scout
classes only
tf_weapon_plclientejogadorselects pipe launcher – * demo class
tf_weapon_railgunclientejogadorselects railgun – * engineer class
tf_weapon_rpgclientejogadorselects rocket launcher – * soldier
class only
tf_weapon_shotgunclientejogadorselects single-barrel shotgun – *
scout, soldier, demoman, medic, hw, and pyro classes only
tf_weapon_sniperrifleclientejogadorselects sniper rifle – * sniper
class only
tf_weapon_spannerclientejogadorselects the spanner/wrench – *
engineer class only
tf_weapon_superngclientejogadorselects the super nailgun – * medic
class only
tf_weapon_supershotgunclientejogadorselects double-barrel shotgun – *
soldier, medic, hw, spy, and engineer classes only
tf_weapon_tranqclientejogadorselects the tranquilizer gun – * spy
class only
thirdpersonclientejogadorenables third-person
throwgrenclientejogadorthrows the grenade type last primed
with ‘primegren1’ or ‘primegren2’
timedemoclientedemoplays .dem at max fps and
reports average fps
timerefreshclientejogadorplayer spins in plave and reports
average fps for the spinning view
toggleconsoleclientejogadortoggles the console screen – *
usually bound to ‘~’
topcolor 30clientejogadorsets the model top
traceralpha 0.500clientejogadorsets tracer bullet alpha
tracerblue 0.400clientejogadorsets tracer bullet blue
tracergreen 0.800clientejogadorsets tracer bullet green
clientejogadorsets the tracer bullet
traceroffset 30clientejogadorsets the tracer bullet
tracerred 0.800clientejogadorsets the tracer bullet red
tracerspeed 6000clientejogadorsets the tracer bullet
unbindclientejogadorremoves binding to key
unbindallclientejogadorremoves all key
uploadclientejogadoruploads files to a
uprateclientejogadordisplays the transmission rate to a
useclientejogadoruses an item or weapon, such as ‘use
userclientejogadorlists model color, name, rate, and
model for specified user [more]
c_centerspeed 500
v_dark 0
v_kickpitch 0.600clientejogadorsets the amount player view pitch
changes when player is hit
v_kickroll 0.600clientejogadorsets the amount player view roll
changes when player is hit
v_kicktime 0.500clientejogadorsets the duration of player view
pitch and roll when player is hit
versionclientejogadorgives build version and date it was
vid_config_x 800clientevideosets horizontal screen
vid_config_y 600clientevideosets vertical screen
vid_d3d 0clientevideotoggles Direct3D support – * 1 is
‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
vid_describemodeclientevideodisplays video mode
vid_mode 0clientevideosets video mode
vid_nopageflip 0clientevideotoggles disabling video page
flipping – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
vid_stretch_by_2clientevideoenables video stretching (for
interlaced display)
vid_wait 0clientevideotoggles video sync – * 1 is ‘on’, 0
is ‘off’
viewframeclientevideoenables wire-frame display – *
OpenGL only
viewmodelclientejogadorenables model
viewnextclientejogadorselects next model
viewprevclientejogadorselects previous
viewsize 120clientejogadorsets view size
violence_ablood 0clientejogadortoggles blood – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is
violence_agibs 0clientejogadortoggles gibs – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is
violence_hgibs 0clientejogadortoggles gibs – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is
volume 1.0clienteaudiosets game volume
waitclientejogadorpauses for 1 tick during running an
alias or script
waterroom_type 14
weapon_357clientejogadorweapon name for .357 magnum – * for
example, ‘use weapon_357’
weapon_9mmARclientejogadorweapon name for .9mm assault rifle –
* i.e., ‘use weapon_9mmAR’
weapon_9mmhandgunclientejogadorweapon name for .9mm pistol – *
i.e., ‘use weapon_9mmhandgun’
weapon_crossbowclientejogadorweapon name for crossbow – * i.e.,
‘use weapon_crossbow’
weapon_crowbarclientejogadorweapon name for crowbar – * i.e.,
‘use weapon_crowbar’
weapon_egonclientejogadorweapon name for egon gun – * i.e.,
‘use weapon_egon’
weapon_gaussclientejogadorweapon name for gauss gun – * i.e.,
‘use weapon_gauss’
weapon_handgrenadeclientejogadorweapon name for handgrenade – *
i.e., ‘use weapon_handgrenade’
weapon_hornetgunclientejogadorweapon name for hornet gun – * i.e.,
‘use weapon_hornetgun’
weapon_rpgclientejogadorweapon name for rocket launcher – *
i.e., ‘use weapon_rpg’
weapon_satchelclientejogadorweapon name for satchel charge – *
i.e., ‘use weapon_satchel’
weapon_shotgunclientejogadorweapon name for shotgun – * i.e.,
‘use weapon_shotgun’
weapon_snarkclientejogadorweapon name for snarks – * i.e.,
‘use weapon_snark’
weapon_tripmineclientejogadorweapon name for tripwire mines – *
i.e., ‘use weapon_tripmine’
clientejogadorsets mouse sensitivity while using
weapon zoom
developer 0autores de modsdeveloperstoggles on/off special developer
debug console messages – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
entitiesautores de modsdeveloperslists currently loaded
hpkextract [all|1
autores de modsdevelopersextracts files from hpk file – *
opts = [all | single index]
hpklistautores de modsdeveloperslists the files in
hpkremoveautores de modsdevelopersremoves files from
hpkvalautores de modsdevelopersdisplays the checksum value for
addipservidorserver adminadds an ip address to the filterban
list – * use 0 minutes to make the addition permanent [more]
banidservidorserver adminbans a player from a server using
their uniqueid – get this unique id from the “users” command – 0 minutes is a
permanent ban – **Version only [more]
servidorserver adminbans AND kicks a player from a
server using their uniqueid – get this unique id from the “users” command – 0
minutes is a permanent ban – **Version only [more]
changelevelservidorserver adminchanges the map and maintains client
changelevel2servidorserver admincontinues the current game on a new
cmdlistservidorserver adminlists all of the console commands –
* if you type ‘cmdlist a’, it will only list those commands that begin with the
letter a, and so on – also, ‘cmdlist log logfile writes the list to
cr_demoman #servidorserver adminsets the number of demomen allowed
on a team
cr_engineer #servidorserver adminsets the number of engineers allowed
on a team
cr_hw #servidorserver adminsets the number of hw’s allowed on a
cr_medic #servidorserver adminsets the number of medics allowed on
a team
cr_pyro #servidorserver adminsets the number of pyros allowed on
a team
cr_sniper #servidorserver adminsets the number of snipers allowed
on a team
cr_soldier #servidorserver adminsets the number of soldiers allowed
on a team
cr_spy #servidorserver adminsets the number of spies allowed on
a team
cvarlistservidorserver adminlists all the console variables in
the console – * ‘cvar log filename’ will write this list to the file
decalfrequencyservidorserver adminsets how frequently players can
display their logo – * default is 30
dropclientservidorserver admindisconnects a client from a
execservidorserver adminexecutes a script of .cfg
exitservidorserver admincloses a game or dedicated server
program to windows without confirmation
filterban 0servidorserver admintoggles ip banning – * 1 is ‘on’, 0
is ‘off’ [more]
heartbeatservidorserver adminsends a heartbeat signal to the
master server to “remind” the master server that your server is still online and
host_framerate 0servidorserver adminsets the speed that the host/server
interacts with the game
host_killtime 0servidorserver adminsets a time delay before killing the
hostnameservidorserver adminsets the server hostname
hostport 27015servidorserver adminsets connection port for the
infoservidorserver adminlists info on a
ip_hostport 0servidorserver adminsets the server port for a TCP/IP
ipx_serverport 0servidorserver adminsets the server port for an IPX
keysservidorserver adminshows the CD key info
kickservidorserver adminkicks a player from a server using
their name [more]
kick #servidorserver adminkicks a player from a server using
their id keys # – get this # from using the “keys” command
kick #servidorserver adminkicks a player from a server using
their userid – get the userid from using the “users” command – **Version only [more]
killserverservidorserver adminshuts down the
listidservidorserver adminlists the uniqueid’s in the
listipservidorserver adminlists the ip addresses in the
filterban list
log onservidorserver admintoggles logging
log off
logaddressservidorserver adminsets the address for logfile when
logging to a remote machine
lservercfgfileservidorserver adminsets the listen server config file –
default is listenserver.cfg
mapservidorserver adminchanges the map running on server
and disconnects currently connected players [more]
mapcyclefile 0servidorserver adminspecifies the name of the list of
maps to cycle through on a server – * default is ‘mapcycle.txt’
mapsservidorserver adminlists maps containing
maxplayers 16servidorserver adminsets maximum number of clients
allowed on a server [more]
servidorserver adminsets the amount of time that the
motd will remain displayed on players’ screens
servidorserver admintoggles the use of autoaim
crosshairs – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
mp_decals 300servidorserver adminsets the maximum number of decals to
be displayed at a time [more]
mp_falldamage 0servidorserver admintoggles realistic fall damage – * 1
is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ [more]
mp_flashlight 0servidorserver admintoggles use of flashlight for
clients – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ [more]
mp_footsteps 0servidorserver admintoggles footstep sounds – * 1 is
‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ [more]
mp_forcerespawn 0servidorserver admintoggles forcing clients to
immediately respawn when killed – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
mp_fraglimit 40servidorserver adminsets number of frags that changes
maps when reached [more]
mp_friendlyfire 0servidorserver admintoggles friendly fire damage from
teammates – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ [more]
mp_logecho 0servidorserver admintoggles logging of echo commands – *
1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
mp_logfile 0servidorserver admintoggles logging during multiplayer
games – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
mp_teamlistservidorserver adminsets the teamnames and models used
for the teams in teamplay mode [more]
mp_teamplay 21servidorserver adminset the flag number (such as 21
listed here) to enable teamplay with that flag number’s corresponding actions
mp_timelimit 25servidorserver adminsets the time in minutes between map
changes [more]
mp_weaponstay 0servidorserver admintoggles whether weapons remain after
a player picks them up – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ [more]
passwordservidorserver adminsets private server
pathservidorserver admindisplays current search
pausable 0servidorserver admintoggles whether or not clients can
pause a server game – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ [more]
pingservidorserver admindisplays pings of all
port 27015servidorserver adminsets the defualt server connection
quitservidorserver adminexits to windows without
rconservidorserver adminremote console command of a server –
* must be given first by rcon client before any commands will be
accepted by the server [more]
rcon_addressservidorserver adminsets the rcon ip address
rcon_passwordservidorserver adminsets the rcon password
rcon_port 27015servidorserver adminsets the rcon console port
registered 0servidorserver admin
reloadservidorserver adminreloads current map
removeidservidorserver adminremoves uniqueid from being banned
on a server – **Version / only [more]
removeipservidorserver adminremoves ip address from the
filterban list [more]
restartcliente/ servidorserver adminrestarts the current map and cleans
the slate
setmasterservidorserver adminsets the master server – * use
either an ip addy or a hostname [more]
stuffcmdsservidorserver adminused to initialize client console
commands from server and restarts server and then does some funky thing to the
server display
sv_accelerate 10servidorserver adminsets the player acceleration for a
sv_aim 0servidorserver admintoggles auto-aim for clients – * 1
is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ [more]
servidorserver adminsets the movement speed while player
is in the air
sv_airmove 0servidorserver admintoggles clients ability to move in
the air
sv_allow_downloadservidorserver adminenables ability of clients to
download maps and decals
sv_allow_uploadservidorserver adminenables ability of clients to upload
models and decals
servidorserver admintoggles the ability of clients to
download maps and decals – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
sv_allowupload 0servidorserver admintoggles the ability of clients to
upload models and decals – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
sv_bounce 0servidorserver admintoggles bounce pads – * 1 is ‘on’, 0
is ‘off’
servidorserver adminsets the time allowed for clients to
connect to a game
sv_cheats 0servidorserver admintoggles cheats – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is
servidorserver adminsets the client bounding box for
sv_clipmode 0servidorserver admintoggles client clipping mode – * 1
is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
sv_friction 4servidorserver adminsets friction
sv_gravity 800servidorserver adminsets level of in-game
servidorserver adminsets the pitch
sv_lan 0servidorserver admintoggles LAN server mode – * 1 is
‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
sv_language 0servidorserver adminsets language
sv_logrelayservidorserver admin
sv_maxrate 5000servidorserver adminsets the maximum data rate allowed
on a server – good for HPB only servers – **Version only
servidorserver adminsets the maximum number of
spectators – spectator mode does not currently work
sv_maxspeed 500servidorserver adminsets the maximum player speed for
all clients [more]
servidorserver adminsets the maximum
sv_minrate 8000servidorserver adminsets the minimum data rate allowed
on a server – good for LPB only servers – **Version only
sv_netsize 0servidorserver adminsets the maximum network packet size
– * 0 = auto
sv_newunit 0servidorserver admin
sv_password 0servidorserver adminsets a password for clients to enter
a server
sv_print_customservidorserver admingives me SZ_Overflow error and then
exits server
sv_sendvelocity 1servidorserver admin
sv_showcmd 0servidorserver admin
sv_skyname 0servidorserver adminsets the sky
sv_smartdelta 1servidorserver admin
sv_spectalk 1servidorserver admintoggles allowing spectator clients
to chat – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’ – spectator mode does not currently
servidorserver adminsets a password for clients to enter
spectator mode – spectator mode does not currently work
servidorserver adminsets the maximum movement speed of
spectators – spectator mode does not currently work
sv_stepsize 18servidorserver adminsets monster and player auto step-up
size – * larger values allows auto-climbing of steeper slopes
sv_stopspeed 100servidorserver adminspeed at which the player stops when
running forward, back, left or right
sv_timeout 65servidorserver adminsets the timeout inactivity
sv_typeservidorserver adminenables server cpu and os type to be
given out on server queries
servidorserver adminsets the maximum upload file
servidorserver adminsets the in-water acceleration of
sv_wateramp 0servidorserver admin
servidorserver adminsets friction
sv_zmax 4096servidorserver adminsets the maximum zbuffer
statusservidorserver adminlists each client and the following
info for each client: user#, frags, name, framerate, latency, ping, packet drop
team 0servidorserver admintoggles team mode – * 1 is ‘on’, 0
is ‘off’
team1_colorservidorserver adminsets team1 color
team1_modelservidorserver adminsets team1 model
team1_nameservidorserver adminsets team1 name
team1_skinservidorserver adminsets team1 skin
team2_colorservidorserver adminsets team2 color
team2_modelservidorserver adminsets team2 model
team2_nameservidorserver adminsets team2 name
team2_skinservidorserver adminsets team2 skin
tfc_adminpwdservidorserver adminsets the tfc admin password – *use
tfc_autoteam 0servidorserver admintoggles auto-team selection – * 1 is
‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
servidorserver admintoggles team balancing by score – *
1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
servidorserver admintoggles team balancing by number of
players – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
tfc_birthdayservidorserver admintoggles birthday mode (explosives
appear as presents) – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
tfc_clanbattle 0servidorserver admintoggles tfc clan battle (tournament)
mode – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
servidorserver admintoggles ceasefire mode – * 1 is
‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, ‘tfc_clanbattle’ must be set to 1
servidorserver admintoggles locked (play) mode – * 1 is
‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, ‘tfc_clanbattle’ must be set to 1
servidorserver admintoggles prematch (practice) mode – *
1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’, ‘tfc_clanbattle’ must be set to 1
tfc_fragscoring 0servidorserver admintoggles inclusion of frags in team
score total – * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’
servidorserver adminsets respawn delay in tfc
tfc_spam_limit 20servidorserver adminsets number of messages per time
period that will cause spamming penalty
servidorserver adminsets spam penalty level
servidorserver adminsets spam penalty
usersservidorserver adminlists all players with their
corresponding userid’s (#’s generated by server) and uniqueid’s (id # unique per
cd key and assigned by WON) – **Version only
writeidservidorserver adminwrites unique id’s to banned.cfg –
**Version only [more]
writeipservidorserver adminwrites ip addresses to listip.cfg
